Fifth Grade Goes on a Field Trip to the Capitol

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

On Friday February 12th, the fifth grade students went on a field trip to the Capitol building in Salt Lake City. The students spent time watching from the galleries in the Senate and the House of Representatives. After floor time was over, Representative Thurston invited several of our students down to the floor of the House and showed them around. Towards the end of the day, Representative Thurston and Senator Hinkins both met with all of the fifth grade classes to talk about their jobs and answer questions that the kids had. 

Lindsey Smith

6th Grade Goes to STEM Fest

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Our Westside 6th graders got to attend STEM fest on Friday. They learned about infrared light, how to fly a plane, how to operate a robot and so much more! STEM fest helped students see how science, technology, engineering and math are used in many jobs today. Students came back excited to explore a new career in the STEM field. We are grateful for the chance they got to experience this amazing event!

AnnaMarie Franks

Visit From a Mountain Man

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Last week, a modern day mountain man, Scott "Grizzly" Sorensen, came to visit the fourth graders at Westside. His visit helped to bring to life everything that they have been talking about in their study of Utah. He told them about adventures that he has had, showed them animal furs, told them tall tales, and also told them about the adventures of mountain men who helped to settle Utah.

Lindsey Smith

A Visit From the Bean Museum

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

On Thursday the third grade classes had a visit from the Bean Museum at BYU. They learned about plants, animals, and habitats, and how they all interact with each other. As a final treat, the kids were able to pet the turtle that she brought, on their way back to class. 

Lindsey Smith

Penny Wars Helps the Food Bank

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

  December 7th to 11th the Westside Student Council helped with the annual Penny Wars. This year Westside students earned a total of $3,819.37 for the Community Action and Food Bank. Grace Thomas, a representative from the Food Bank, came to accept the check from the student council on December 18th. Thank you students and parents for all your generous donations! 

AnnaMarie Franks

Sign up NOW for SEPs

Submitted by heather.balli on


Westside Elementary is excited to invite you to sign up online for SEPs using SignUp Genius! Please go to for the links to sign up. You will need an access code to be admitted into our sign-ups. The access code for this SEP is westside. To sign up you will not be required to create a SignUp Genius account. However if you choose to do so, SignUp Genius will send you text/e-mail reminders about your upcoming appointments and will make signing up for next SEPs even easier.

Westside Fun Run

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

On November 13 the students at Westside had a fantastic time participating in our school's Fun Run. For the week leading up to it, we had a special visitor, Hurricane Hayden. He came to Westside to work with the kids, get them excited about the run, and teach character traits. Among these, the students learned about commitment, elevating others, and having positive attitudes. On the day of the run, classes took turns running laps around the courses on the field, with kids running at least 25 laps, and some many more!


Fire Department Visit

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Recently, some of the fifth grade classes were treated to a visit from the fire department. The kids were reminded to practice fire drills both at school and at home, to be careful with fire, and to make sure smoke detectors are always functioning. They were excited to find out more about the job of firemen and loved having him at our shcool! 

Lindsey Smith