Staff Spotlight - Miss Dibble

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

This week's Staff Spotlight is our awesome art teacher, Miss Dibble! Miss Dibble is from Salt Lake City. She has four sisters and a dog named Minnie. In her spare time Miss Dibble likes to read, play the piano, travel, visit art museums, and pretty much do anything outdoors. She's a huge University of Utah fan, and she hopes some day to visit every continent on earth. Thanks Miss Dibble, for all that you do!

Lindsey Smith

Student Council Trip to BYU

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

The Westside Student Council enjoyed going to the BYU leadership conference on Monday, November 9th. Each speaker was inspiring and motivating. One common theme was to think about the students you are serving, not about yourself. A good leader knows, "It's not about me, it's about them". Students participated in some team building games where they learned about leading by example and thinking outside the box. Our student council is eager to make a difference at Westside by stopping bullies and helping others. Way to go student council! 

AnnaMarie Franks

Third Grade Culture Days

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Once a month the third grade gets together to learn all about the culture of another country. In September Mr. Blaser came to teach the kids about life in the Ukraine, and in October they had the chance to learn about Brazil from Mr. Hammer. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful Westside parents who give their time to come and help our children learn!

Lindsey Smith

Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

In celebration of Red Ribbon week last week, the Bank of American Fork sponsored a balloon launch, to remind our Westside kids to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Thank you so much Bank of American Fork!

Lindsey Smith

Mr. Sainsbury Reads To Students

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Our fantastic principal, Mr. Sainsbury comes to read the book Me and Caleb to the fifth grade classes at his school every year. This great book was read to him by his fifth grade teacher, and he is now carrying on the tradition by sharing it with our students here at Westside. We are lucky to have such a great principal who interacts with and cares so much about our students! 

Lindsey Smith and Lindsay Leman

Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Hansen

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Our Staff Spotlight this week is one of our great Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Hansen. Mrs. Hansen is from Castle Dale, UT. Having 4 brothers, she was the princess of the family growing up. You may not know this, but Mrs. Hansen loved to perform. She was in plays, drama competitions, sang in concert choir, was on the drill team, the gymnastics team, and the business competition team. Not only that, but this talented lady played the flute in two bands and the piano for a third. Now, she and her husband have three daughters and two sons. In her spare time Mrs.

Lindsey Smith

Thank You Nestle!

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

On Wednesday, October 7, Westside was given an incredible gift by Nestle. For the last few years, our school offered after-school 4-H programs that the students love. Unfortunately, funding was not available this year, and it looked as though the programs would not be able to continue. Thankfully, Nestle made a generous donation of more than $2,000 which allows our students to stay for over an hour after school to enjoy a snack and participate in arts, crafts, sports, and receive extra help with homework. 

Service to Westside

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

On September 2, 38 volunteers came from United Way, The Little Hen, Microfocus (formerly Novell), and Culinary Crafts to our great school to give a day of service. Their kindness and generosity made a huge difference for the students and teachers, as they brought materials and built scooter racks for every classroom (30 in total), re-painted the blacktop of the playground, and worked hard to improve our library – cleaning, stamping, weeding out, moving, and taping more than 1,000 books. Thank you so much to those volunteers!