
Submitted by monica.bair on

During the week of Valentines' Day, students, parents and teachers at Westside had the opportunity to send 'valentine' cards to their friends.  Along with the card, a tasty treat was provided.

Students of the Month

Submitted by monica.bair on

Every month, two sixth-grade students from Westside Elementary are recognized in each class for their efforts.  Teachers select students who show academic achievement, positive attitude, and willingness to go above and beyond expectations.  The students of the month for January are Noni Mike, Beau Mattinson from Mrs. Bird's class, Spencer Marshall and Julie Haws from Mrs. McKee's class,  Payton Beerli and Cami Terry from Mrs. Bair's class.

Art with Mrs. Miller

Submitted by monica.bair on

Mrs. Miller, the new art teacher at Westside this year, does an AMAZING job in teaching both art technique and appreciation.  She is pictured above teaching an art concept with alphabet letters based on the artwork of Paul Kree.

Learning the Scientific Method

Submitted by monica.bair on

The scientific method of investigation is a unit of study the sixth-grade students have been learning recently.  Students have conducted many experiments to learn how many drops of water will fit on the head of a penny, how many chews it takes to finish a Tootsie Roll, and many others to reinforce the process.  Sixth-grade students will use this knowledge to apply it to their own science fair project due on February 8th.

Kindergarten Program

Submitted by monica.bair on

Kindergarten students at Westside performed their Christmas program on December 20th.  Each student was responsible for memorizing a part (either in English or in Spanish).