Fire and the Environment

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

In Mrs. Bartholomew's class, Mr. Nunnally presented about fires and their impact on our environment. They also learned about the positive impact students can have on others as they volunteer in our community. Students timed Mr. Nunnally putting on his equipment and it was very impressive to see him do this under 2 minutes!


#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #wildcatsROAR #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #studentsuccess #uted #loveUTpublicschools 

Graciela Bartholomew

Utah Symphony Field Trip

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

These 4th grade students had a fantastic opportunity to listen to the Utah Symphony yesterday. The music was beautiful and it was a very interactive concert with the audience. The students behaved phenomenally during the concert, showing their best concert etiquette.

Ayer, los estudiantes de 4o. Grado tuvieron la oportunidad de escuchar la Sinfónica de Utah. La música fue hermosísima y el programa interactivo, los estudiantes se comportaron fenomenal mostrando su mejor conducta durante el programa.

Graciela Bartholomew

Music to Our Ears

Submitted by arlene.haymond on
Westside fourth graders in Mrs. Boyer's class had fun getting all dressed up and going to the symphony!  They used their imaginations to picture stories to go along with beautiful classical music performed by the Utah Symphony. 


#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #wildcatsROAR #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #studentsuccess #uted #loveUTpublicschools #studentsuccess 

Erica Boyer

Rosca de Reyes in Fourth Grade Dual Language Classes

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

The Spanish Dual Language Immersion Class enjoyed “Rosca de Reyes,” a traditional bread in the form of a ring. They had the opportunity to learn more about this tradition in their 4th grade Spanish Dual Language Immersion Class.

Disfrutamos la Rosca de Reyes, nuestro pan tradicional para festejar la llegada de los Reyes Magos. Tuvimos la oportunidad de aprender más acerca de esta tradición en nuestra clase de español de 4o. grado.


#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #wildcatsroar #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #studentsuccess 

Graciela Bartholomew

Owl Always Love Reading

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Ms. Anderson's first grade students read to a friend with some special guest owl buddies! Reading with a buddy is a strategy that allows students to take turns reading and provide each other with feedback as a way to monitor comprehension. It's also very fun to do!


#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #wildcatsROAR #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #studentsuccess #uted  #nebohero 

Katy Anderson

Spelling Bee 2019

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

We have smart kids at Westside! 2019 Spelling Bee is coming.

Every child has now received a spelling list.

Dates to Remember:
Jan. 16-30th - Teacher chooses a day and holds own Classroom Spelling Bee & 1 Winner.
Jan. 30th 3:00 pm - Classroom Spelling Bee Winners announced.
Feb. 20th 9:30-11:30am - School-Wide Spelling Bee

Westside PTA

The Reyes Magos

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

The Reyes Magos made it to Sra. Diez's classroom and left a small gift for all of her students. They also brought a yummy Rosca de Reyes.

#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #wildcatsroar #dualimmersion #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #studentsuccess 

Alexandra Diez