Teachers in Summer

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Miss Smith spent the summer visiting her family; she started the summer off with a visit to see her mom in Florida where she went to the beach as much as possible.

Summer Fun

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Ever wonder what your teachers are doing during the summer? (Besides missing all of you, of course!!) Stay tuned over the next few weeks to find out what some of the Westside faculty and staff have been up to this summer. We're excited to see all of you in August!

Complete Online Registration for 2017-2018 Before August 1st

Submitted by peggy.rothaug on

Register your students today!

Hello Westside Families!

We hope you have enjoyed a great summer so far! We are so excited to be offering online registration this year!! 

To register, please click on this link and follow all the steps:


The dates to register online are from July 5 to July 31, 2017.

Library for Children in Uganda

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

This year the sixth grade classes worked hard to earn money to fund a library for children in a village in Uganda. They found sponsers and then read to earn money, which was given to the foundation coordinating the project after the sixth grade program on the second to last day of school. Mr. Lovell was then able to go to Uganda himself to help build the library. Thank you to everyone who supported the project, and great job sixth graders!

6th Grade Program

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

On the second to last day of school, the sixth graders put on an amazing program! They shared songs and dances through the decades, from the 1920's to the present. Through solos, trios, and whole group numbers they shared great songs including Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy; Eye of the Tiger; Bye, Bye, Bye; and Can't Stop the Feeling. We are so proud of our sixth graders! 

Congratulations Miss Balli

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Recently Miss Balli won an award from the faculty for all of her amazing service to Westside. In the two years that she has been here, Miss Balli has made a tremendous difference. She is kind and caring to students and helps them strive to do their best. She is also incredibly supportive to the teachers, helping them in whatever ways they need. Westside will greatly miss her next year, but we are so excited for Miss Balli in her appointment as principal at Meadow Brook!