School Community Council Elections

Submitted by peggy.rothaug on

Westside will be holding School Community Council elections on Tuesday, September 26th at 9:15 am.  If you are interested in running, please come to the school and put your name in the ballet box located in the office by Friday, September 22.

The purpose of School Community Council is as follows:

1. To build consistent and effective communication among parents, employees, and administrators.

2. To allow parents an opportunity to be actively involved with the school in their children's education. 

3. To make Good schools Better.

First Week of School!

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

We have successfully finished our first week of school at Westside, and we're so looking forward to our second! We have the greatest kids here and it has been wonderful to see them all again! Here are a few pictures of the great things that have happened in our classes this week.

Teachers in Summer

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Miss Smith spent the summer visiting her family; she started the summer off with a visit to see her mom in Florida where she went to the beach as much as possible.

Summer Fun

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Ever wonder what your teachers are doing during the summer? (Besides missing all of you, of course!!) Stay tuned over the next few weeks to find out what some of the Westside faculty and staff have been up to this summer. We're excited to see all of you in August!