Orchestra Mini-Concerts

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

This week the Westside Orchestra broke into small groups and played for people around the school. They are directed by John Wells, and after only five months of instruction, they already sound great. Way to go Orchestra!

Dancing at Westside

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

This week our Kindergarten, first, and second graders have the opportunity to work with Miss Kimble, our District Dance Specialist. Each class will spend time with her learning components of dance and relating them to their core curriculum. 

Westside Spelling Bee

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

This morning Westside had our school Spelling Bee. The third through sixth grades each sent a winner from their classes to participate in grade level competitions. Though the words were tricky, and standing up in front of the school to compete took some bravery, the students tried their best and did a great job. The third grade winner was Ben Boucher, in fourth grade the winner was Kaden Cook, in fifth grade the winner was Kate Christensen, and the sixth grade winner was Bria Hammer.

5th Grade Field Trip to the Capitol

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Today the fifth grade classes went on a field trip to the Capitol in Salt Lake City. They were able to watch sessions in the Senate and House of Representatives to learn more about the legislative process. Later in the afternoon they were able to meet with Senator Hinkins and Representative Thurston, who talked with them about their jobs and answered questions.


Submitted by lindsey.smith on

We are loving having so many Watch Dogs here at Westside! It is wonderful to have dads and family members come and help in classes and work with kids. Thank you so much for all of the time that you volunteer!

Storyteller Donald Davis Comes to Westside

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Today Westside Elementary had the privilege of hosting the incredible storyteller, Donald Davis. Mr. Davis put on two assemblies, one for the younger grades and one for the older grades. He told stories from his childhood and showed the students how to turn memories into stories of their own. He also worked with a small group of students and explained the important components of a story and how easy it can be to write one. The kids were thrilled to hear his stories, and in turn, share some of their own. Thank you so much to the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival for making this possible!