WATCH DOGS at Westside

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

We are so excited to start the WATCH DOGS program here at Westside Elemenatry! WATCH DOGS is a program that was created by the National Center for Fathering and works to involve fathers and father-figures in school. Last week we were overwhelemed with the support for the program at a pizza party night where kids came with their dads, grandfathers, uncles, and brothers to learn more about how to get involved. We had many people sign up and are looking forward to all of the fathers and family members who will be coming to help in our school!

Dancing at Westside

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Last week the students at Westside had one more opportunity to meet with the Nebo District Dance Specialist, Miss Kimble. She worked with classes on different ways of moving, creating and holding shapes, and choreography. At the end of the session, students performed short dances for their classes that they had choreographed.

Market Day in Second Grade

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Second graders in Ms. Hull's and Mrs. Berry's class have been learning about about economics. They put their knowledge to the test by producing goods and services for their classmates to buy!  It was fun and successful for all!  

Laura Berry

Three Kings Day

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

On Friday, January 6th, Westside students celebrated Three Kings Day, which is a holiday celebrated in many Latin American and European cultures. Three Kings Day celebrates the day the the Three Kings (or Wise Men) found the baby Jesus and presented gifts to him. It is typically celebrated with gifts, parades, and eating a special cake or bread. At Westside, each of the classes spent a few minutes learning the meaning of the holiday, and then were able to try a piece of Rosca de Reyes, a Mexican sweet bread. 

Westside Students Serve

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

In December, as part of their Christmas party, Mrs. Coates' fifth grade class decided to serve people in need. They collected hats, hand warmers, and food, then put together cold-weather bags to donate to the Food and Care Coalition in Provo. The kids were excited to serve and were anxious to give what they had to help those in need. 

A (Second) Visit From the Bean Museum

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Today the second and fifth grades were visited by outreach educators Jessica and Andy from the Bean Museum at Brigham Young University. Both grades were treated to a fun, interesting, and educational presentation. The second graders learned about animals and their habitats, and the fifth graders learned about animal adaptations. Both presentations supplemented science curriculum that each grade is learning this year, and included live animals, which the kids were able to pet as they left. 

Fun in Mrs. Krabbe's Third Grade

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

In December Mrs. Krabbe's third grade class worked so hard and earned a visit from Marvel (Mrs. Pruitt even got in on the fun!). They also learned about equivalent fractions and then used their new knowledge to make cocoa for Christmas presents. Awesome job third graders!