5th Grade Program

Submitted by monica.bair on

Last month, Westside fifth graders performed their program for the parents and other students at Westside.  The theme of the program revolved around important culture and events throughout the decades in the United States.  Students dressed in clothing fitting any of the decades from the early 1900's on through the year 2000. 

Mummy Exhibit

Submitted by monica.bair on

Recently the sixth-grade students at Westside enjoyed a visit to the 'Mummies of the World' museum exhibit at the Leonardo in Salt Lake City.  As a part of the social studies curriculum, students learn about how mummies are formed.  Students were also able to enjoy a lunch in the park across the street from the museum.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Submitted by monica.bair on

Recently, the Westside PTA sponsored a Teacher Appreciation Week for the teachers at Westside.  The theme throughout the week centered upon a "team" theme.  This involved a variety of activities including a teacher 'shoot out' where teachers challenged one another to a basketball shoot contest.  The winner in the lower grades was Ms. Olsen, and the winner in the upper grades was Mrs.

Catapult Extravaganza

Submitted by monica.bair on

As part of the social studies curriculum, sixth graders learn about the middle ages.  As part of this unit, students learn about catapults and trebuchets.  Given some various household items, students in Mrs. Bair's class constructed their own catapults to lauch marshmallows.  Students had to first design their catapult, and then make any adjustments necessary after trying them out.

Third Grade Program

Submitted by monica.bair on

Students in the third grade recently performed their grade-level program.  The program revolves around the third grade social studies curriculum about community and the world.

Wax Museum

Submitted by monica.bair on

Fifth grade students participated in the wax museum recently at Westside.  Students chose an influential person in history, and learned about them.  On the day of the wax museum, they dressed as that person dressed.