Reading Reward

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Mrs. Wimmer's class earned time with Mrs. Pruitt for the minutes they logged for the RTS Read-a-thon.  They chose to have her read a book to them.  Way to go Westside readers!

#westsidewildcats #wildcatsROAR #studentsuccess #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #thankateacher

March Teacher of the Month

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

The students at Westside really knew what they were talking about when they voted Mrs. Herrmann as the Teacher of the Week.  Mrs. Herrmann is fun and a prankster.  She holds her students to a high standard which pushes them but doesn't overwhelm.  Mrs. Herrmann loves her students right back almost as much as she loves Jimmy Johns and Sodalicious. 

Congratulations Mrs. Herrmann!

Peggy Rothaug

March Read-a-thon Update

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

We are half way to our goal of reading 200,000 minutes during the month of March. That means DOUBLE RECESS for everyone on Thursday, March 14. Keep reading and entering your minutes on so we can have an ice cream party at the end of the month.

Shannon Arroyo

White Ribbon Week - Month

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

"I have the power to not view embarassing pictures or share hurtful words."

Following an assembly about Internet safety, students had a lesson in their class. After lunch, they could get a treat for remembering something from the assembly or lessons. 

White Ribbon Week March 11-14

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

The PTA is excited to celebrate White Ribbon Week! They will be using "I've Got the Power - Digital Citizenship for Schools."  White Ribbon Week is designed to help children learn to make safe and smart choices when using media and technology.

 In individual classrooms, teachers will hold simple class discussions about the daily message. The PTA will provide a lunchtime activity will reinforce the daily message, and our social media will have posts about daily messages with links for further discussion at home.

Lisa Smith, PTA

Natural Curiosity

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Mrs. Liechty's first graders had a lot of fun on their field trip to the Museum of Natural Curiosity. The students learned to look at everything around them. 

Sara Liechty

Real vs. Gummy Worms

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Mrs. Hansen’s class compared real worms and gummy worms to discover differences between living and nonliving things. 

#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #wildcatsroar #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #studentsuccess #uted #loveUTpublicschools #westsidewildcatsut #westsidestudents #Heroesaroundus #ThankATeacher 

Lori Hansen