Jessica Cox was nominated as Westside's Teacher of the Year. Here are some of the comments her fellow teachers and friends shared about her.
"She is very caring and goes above and beyond to make her students feel loved. She is creative and finds different ways to meet her students' needs.
I have seen her do countless things for her students and she really does go the extra mile. From creating Christmas trees to give to others with the whole fifth grade to staying late after school to make something beautiful for her students and to fixing a bracelet for one of her students
She has a big heart and truly cares for others around her. As a teacher she is always looking to learn and grow her teaching practice. I know she makes a difference to her students every day.
One thing I admire about Jessica is her Growth Mindset. When she is struggling or is interested in finding out more about something, she is not afraid to ask for help or do her own research. I have watched her grow immensely as an educator this year because she is willing to implement new things and learn from others."
Westside is blessed to have her as a teacher!