March 2012

Red Carpet Readers

Submitted by monica.bair on

In a collaborative effort between PTA and Westside Faculty, students at Westside were recently given the red-carpet treatment for reading.  Students who achieved their reading goal for the first part of March, were given the opportunity to see a magic show.  At this same event, baskets centered around a book theme, were displayed as a part of the silent auction.  All proceeds from the night will be directed toward technology improvement in the school.


Submitted by monica.bair on

Recently, Westside sixth-graders visited Springville Junior High School to see a production of Oklahoma. 

Learning about Sound

Submitted by monica.bair on

Westside sixth-grade students recently learned about sound.  In science class, they experimented with a variety of objects to make different sounds and then learned how to change the pitch.

Celebration of Dr. Seuss

Submitted by monica.bair on

On March 2, students and teachers celebrated Dr. Seuss Day at Westside.  Lisa Erickson, the librarian at Westside, dressed as the Cat in the Hat.  She went to various classrooms throughout the school to read to students and test their knowledge of Dr. Seuss.

3rd Grade Program

Submitted by monica.bair on

Third-grade students at Westside Elementary presented their program on March 2nd.  As part of the curriculum, third graders learn about how they fit into the community, country and world.  The program emphasized that although students across the world live in different cultures with different traditions, all of us are more alike than we are different.

5th Grade Wax Museum

Submitted by monica.bair on

On February 29, fifth-grade students at Westside Elementary participated in what they termed as a 'wax museum'.  Students dressed in the same attire as an influential individual from Unite States history, and posed as that person.  Students and parents were able to visit the wax museum, and find out more about that famous person.