August 2019

Reading Buddies

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

These fourth and second grade reading buddies have already become friends. Having Reading Buddies allows younger readers to see what being fluent looks like as they have a peer model demonstrating reading skills. They can also acquire a positive role model. The older students develop social and emotional skills, like patience and empathy, as they work with their littler buddies. They are looking forward to many reading activities this year!

Meet Teri VanAusdal

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Teri is the smiling face that greets all students who get a school breakfast or lunch. Teri VanAusdal helps and encourages all of our younger students when entering their numbers. She always praises them when they get it right. Her patience and quick smile help make Westside a great place for kids! 



Watermelon Math

Submitted by arlene.haymond on
4th Grade had their anual “Watermelon Math”. It is such a fun learning experience and tradition for our 4th graders. Students were able to estimate, add, problem solve and compare as they enjoyed a sweet summer treat, watermelon!! Yummy!
Graciela Bartholomew

Fraction Action

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

For their first math lesson, students in Mrs. Crook’s class were reviewing fraction concepts by working in groups to make a poster explaining what a fraction is, drawing examples of fractions and writing a word problem illustrating a fraction. They then shared them with the class. It was a great review of fraction concepts!

Susan Crook

Save Fred!

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Mrs. Wimmer's class worked together to save Fred the gummy worm from drowning. 

Shae Wimmer