Principal Found Taped to the Wall!

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Our fearless Principal was duct taped to the wall today because our school reached our fundraising goal! Students (and teachers) really enjoyed being a part of this event. Thanks for being a good sport, Mrs. Pruitt!


#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #wehavethebestprincipal #neboschooldistrict #nebohero 

News From the PTA

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Thank you to all the support for the Donation Drive & Chalk Fest last week!


We reached our goal! Every grade gets ice cream this Friday and will get to help duct tape Mrs Pruitt to the wall on Monday! (Again, how awesome is she!?)

Check out Facebook for video from the Fun Run and pictures from Chalk Fest!


Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Our traditional Chalkfest was a big success! 

The rain stopped and creating began!  Families had fun drawing together. You can tell, by all the smiles, that they are proud of their works of art.  Thanks to our fabulous PTA for putting on another great event!

Fun Run Tomorrow (Oct 4th)

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

FUN RUN—October 4

Students will have the opportunity to run a fun obstacle course with their classmates during the school day! DJ Mike from Munchkin Radio will be there to run the show and make it extra fun!

Students should wear clothes and shoes good for running, jumping and crawling on Thursday! We will supply water and Otter-Pops for all the runners.

All parents and non-school-aged children are welcome to come watch the fun! Check out the schedule below to see when your student(s) will be running—

Fun Run Schedule:

Crazy Hair Spirit Day

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Our halls were filled with CRAZY hair today! We've got SPIRIT!

#nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted 

School Heroes - Custodians

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Westside has some phenomenal people taking care of our building and grounds. They truly do befriend everyone and our students and faculty love and appreciate them! Thank you Mr. Poulson, Dustin, Dwight, Teri, Sami, Angelica, and Jan!

#westsidewildcats #beyourbest #neboschooldistrict #nebohero