Second Grade Opera

Submitted by monica.bair on

Recently, Mrs. Cook's class performed their class opera.  Second-graders at Westside Elementary have the opportunity every year to create and perform their own opera.  Students come up with the problem and resolution and also design their own costumes and props.

Westside Student Recognized

Submitted by monica.bair on

Last week, Orion Sadler, a sixth-grade student at Westside Elementary, received recognition as an outstanding student at Westside.  This recognition took place at the Springville City Council meeting.  Orion is a student who always strives to do his best, help others, and challenge himself.  Congratulations to Orion for this achievement!

3rd Grade Program

Submitted by monica.bair on

The third-graders of Westside Elementary practiced for their program for quite a while by March 25th, and they were very excited to perform it. This year, the program included songs from countries all over the world! Parents were surprised and amazed to see almost 100 kids doing a Samoan slap dance-all in perfect unison! The kids also sang a song called “Ma Bora Ma”, which was from Africa. They taught the audience about many things: cultures, foods, clothing, and the ways of life of many countries including Norway, Japan, Jamaica, and Ghana.

by Russell and Orion

NED Assembly

Submitted by monica.bair on

Students at Westside Elementary were entertained at a recent NED assembly.  The purpose of the assembly was to remind students that they should Never give up, Encourage others, and to Do their best.  Students were brought up on stage to be a part of the assembly and to learn some pretty fancy tricks with yo-yos.

Peer Help at Westside

Submitted by monica.bair on

Students from Mrs. Bair's sixth-grade class assisted second-grade students in Miss Van Natter's class to help them prepare for walking report card presentations to parents.  The older students enjoyed the opportunity to mentor and help the younger children.

Penny War Donations

Submitted by monica.bair on

Recently, the student council members at Westside Elementary presented Dustin Holden with a check for $1,800. Dustin Holden was selected to be the recipient for this money as he just went through a major surgery to remove cancer. 

This money was raised through the annual Penny Wars held in December.  Students brought pennies to count as points for their classroom.  Students from other classes, however, could counteract the penny points with silver change. Westside raised a record amount of money to contribute to a good cause. 

Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Craig Harvey, a representative from Horrace Mann Insurance Agency recently came to Westside Elementary School to award the 2010-2011 Crystal Apple Award to Karen Thomas, a fourth-grade teacher. Karen has taught both fourth and fifth grades over the course of the last nine years, almost half of which she taught in Alpine School District. Karen was nominated by her peers for this award because of her dedication to the profession and her ability to inspire students. Not only is she and excellent teacher, but she is a positive person who is always willing to help any teacher.

Christmas Orchestra Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Before the Christmas break, sixth-grade orchestra students at Westside Elementary held their Christmas performance. From left: Alexis Brown, Orion Sadler, Lewis Fox, Nicole Wheeler, Mikinna McHoes, Emily Baugh, Annie Eppley, Jeremy Sumsion, Nick Luscher, Elizabeth Setzer, Roger Sauvageau and instructor Lindsay Priday

Clark Planetarium

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Image removed.

Last week, students at Westside Elementary enjoyed participating in an experiment with electricity. Clark Planetarium came to the school to teach students about electricity, matter, and the solar system. It was indeed a 'hair raising' experience!