“Wemberly Worried”

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Mrs Liechty read Wemberly Worried to the first grade Dual Language Classes. They discussed their worries about 1st grade and how they could overcome them together. They made Wemberly Worried Bunnies and wrote down what their worries were.

Aug. 25 Kindergarten Open House

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Aug. 25 Kindergarten Open House

Students will be able to see their classroom and meet their teacher.  To limit the number of people in the classroom at a time, we ask that only the parents/guardian and the student come at the following assigned time, according to the first initial of the last name of the student:

Lori Hansen

Memorable First Week in 2020

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Our halls were filled with happy children, excited greetings, eager teachers and supportive staff. 

Our lunchroom was amazing this week! Thank you to our stellar Lunch Ladies for all they do. Our student helpers are really awesome, too! 

We loved having students in our school again. We definitely are WILDCAT STRONG again this year!

Arlene Haymond

Memorable First Week in 2020

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Our halls were filled with happy children, excited greetings, eager teachers and supportive staff. 

Our lunchroom was amazing this week! Thank you to our stellar Lunch Ladies for all they do. Our student helpers are really awesome, too! 

We loved having students in our school again. We definitely are WILDCAT STRONG again this year!

Arlene Haymond

Open House | August 18, 2020

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

A Few Things to Remember:

• Everyone entering the school is required to wear a mask.
• We are asking that you limit the number of family members that you bring with you.
• We are also asking that you keep your visit to the classroom as brief as possible. We want students to be comfortable with their new surroundings so they are less nervous on the first day while maintaining social gatherings to limited sizes and times.

Open House Schedule

12-12:30  A-E

12:30-1:00  F-J

1-1:30 . K-O

1:30-2:00. P-T

Wildcat Message

Submitted by arlene.haymond on


Over the past few weeks I have spoken with several parents asking clarifying questions about the reopening of school. We have had great conversation! I recognize that there are still lingering questions and hope that I can clear them up for you.

Lori Nielsen