The Mountain Man Visited With Our Fourth Grade Classes

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Modern day mountain man, Scott "Grizzly" Sorensen, came to visit the fourth graders at Westside. His visit helped to bring to life everything that they have been talking about in their study of Utah. He told them about adventures that he has had, showed them animal furs, told them tall tales, and also told them about the adventures of mountain men who helped to settle Utah.

Nicole Lane & Graciela Bartholomew

Gold Rush!

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Mrs. Herrmann's 5th graders had the gold rush fever in their classroom. If you were enough lucky to be one of the few who were there in 1848, you could strike it rich! But as more and more people rushed for the gold, some were left with hardly any, or none at all. (Luckily, at the end of our activity our wealthiest miners shared with those latecomers!)


Deanna Herrmann