Weather Patterns

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

The sixth grade classes spent January learning about weather patterns including fronts, pressure systems, jet stream, air and ocean circulation, water cycle and the greenhouse effect. They were able to track current United States weather as a class.

Susan Crook

Heroes of the Week

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Teri Van Ausdale, Lisa Faber, Verlynn Cook, Janice Condie, Aliesha Willy, and Julia Russell, our Westside Lunch Ladies, are the best!  Not only are they great cooks but they make everything fun. They are always positive, happy, and greet everyone with a smile. They are an incredible team! We are lucky to have these heroes at Westside. 

Our lovely lunch ladies use the money from collecting recycling cans to pay off overdue lunch balances for students! 


Teacher of the Month

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Westside Elementary is one of the luckiest school. Why, you asked, because we have had Mrs. Haymond teach at our school not only once but, twice. Mrs. Haymond taught at Westside for seven years and then moved to Texas for seven years. She moved back last year and became part of the Westside team once again. Mrs. Haymond teaches in our second grade and is very loved by each of her students. She is the kind of teacher that takes whatever time necessary to create the best lessons to meet the needs of each student.

Circulation STEM

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

Mrs. Crook’s class participated in a STEM activity where they were given the task of demonstrating how water circulation in the ocean occurs. Each group had a different aspect of circulation to teach.

Susan Cook

Greenhouse Effect

Submitted by arlene.haymond on

While studying the greenhouse effect, the 6th graders did a science lab where they were measuring the temperatures of a closed bottle versus an open bottle when exposed to heat from the lamp. They collected and graphed the data then explained how the closed bottle kept the heat more evenly even when the light was removed, and the open bottle lost the heat immediately upon the removal of the light.

Susan Crook