Penny War

Submitted by monica.bair on

A Penny War, to raise funds for charity, is currently underway.  This fundraiser is sponsored by the Westside student council.  Classes can 'bomb' each other with silver change which detracts from points they earn by bringing pennies or dollar bills.  Employees at Central Bank in Springville are assisting in the counting of the money which involves hundreds of pounds of change.

Dustin Crandall Receives Award

Submitted by monica.bair on

This year's classified employee Crystal Apple Award was presented to Dustin Crandall.  Dustin is part of the custodial staff at Westside Elementary, and has been for several years.  He is always smiling and willing to help anyone in need.  David Swenson, head custodian at the school had this to say about Dustin, also known as 'Big D': 

4th Grade Program

Submitted by monica.bair on

Fourth grade students at Westside recently performed their class program for parents and students.  The program gives a brief overview of Utah history, and what makes our state so unique.

Slick Rock Assembly

Submitted by monica.bair on

Last week, students and teachers were entertained by the Slick Rock Gypsy. He performed “Roots of American Music”  for which integrated various music from all around the world.  Students were able to come up and participate in the program and use authentic instruments from different countries and time periods.

Taking a Stand at Westside!

Submitted by monica.bair on

As a culminating event for Red Ribbon Week, Steve James visited Westside and entertained the students during an assembly.  Steve James is a musician who performs all over the country.  His music is focused on building positive self-esteem through making good choices and living a good life. This music is often incorporated into character education in the schools.

6th Grade Visits Space Center

Submitted by monica.bair on

Recently, sixth grade students at Westside traveled to the Christa MacCauliffe Space Center in Pleasant Grove, Utah.  Here, they partcipated in a flight simulation where they had to work together to overcome obstacles they faced in their space ship.  Part of the day was spent learning about the stars and solar system which are a part of the sixth grade science curriculum.