Red Ribbon Week Fun Run

Submitted by monica.bair on

On Wednesday, October 23rd, students participated in a Fun Run during their lunch recess.  This activity was one of many designed to celebrate "Red Ribbon Week."  Students received tickets for running which were later put in for a drawing of prizes.

Student Council Conference

Submitted by monica.bair on

Westside student council members had the opportunity recently to attend a youth leadership conference at BYU.  Here, the students learned about the importance of being great leaders, and came up with some great ideas to implement at Westside.  Student council members throughout the year have the opportunity to serve within the school and community.  During the holiday season, food drives and Penny Wars to raise money for food, are organized by the student council.  Members of the student council include:

Mrs. Matis receives Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by monica.bair on

On Monday, October 14th, Craig Harvey from the Horace Mann Agency awarded Principal Sara Matis the Crystal Apple Award.  The Crystal Apple Award recognizes excellence in education by honoring those making a significant impact in the lives of children.  Sara Matis has been the principal at Westside Elementary for seven years.  She is known for her love of the children, and knows every single student's name in the school.  Children love her because she always says hello to them in the hallway and several have mentioned tha

Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by monica.bair on

During the week of October 21-24, students celebrated Red Ribbon Week with several fun activities.  On Monday, students wore mismatched shoes to show that drugs don't make sense.  On Tuesday, students dressed in clothing from various decades to show that drugs are out of date.  On Wednesday students dressed in sweats and participated in a fun run during lunch.  On the last day, students had "Crazy Hair Day," to show that doing drugs is crazy.

Fun Run

Submitted by monica.bair on

Preceding the school carnival,, students and family members participated in a 3K run near the school.