3rd - 6th Grade Spanish Program

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Today the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade classes that participate in the Dual Immersion program shared a performance with the rests of the school. Each grade sang a song in Spanish, and several grades danced as well. All of the performers did a fantastic job, and the audience had a great time watching the show!

Lindsey Smith

Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Franks

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

This week our Staff Spotlight is our incredible 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Franks. Mrs. Franks comes from Omaha, Nebraska and is the second oldest with four brothers and two sisters. She also has one niece, who she loves to visit every chance that she gets. Some of her favorite things to do include folk dancing, especially clogging, country dancing, mountain biking, playing tennis, and basketball. One very cool thing that you might not know about Mrs. Franks is that she has danced in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade! She also likes to travel and would love to see more of the world.

Lindsey Smith

Sign up NOW for SEPs on Wednesday, March 16th

Submitted by heather.balli on


Westside Elementary is excited to invite you to sign up online for SEPs using SignUp Genius! Please go to westside.nebo.edu for the links to sign up. You will need an access code to be admitted into our sign-ups. The access code for this SEP is spring. To sign up you will not be required to create a SignUp Genius account. However if you choose to do so, SignUp Genius will send you text/e-mail reminders about your upcoming appointments and will make signing up for next SEPs even easier.

Mrs. Franks' Class Play

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Mrs. Franks' Class put on a play last week called Persephone and the Four Seasons. The students did an outstanding job performing for parents and other classes. It was amazing to see the students work together to create a spectacular show. 

AnnaMarie Franks

Crystal Apple Winner

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Each year, the faculty of Westside votes on one teacher to receive the Crystal Apple Award. This year's winner was Ms. Thomas, our fantastic third grade teacher! Ms. Thomas is kind, knowledgeable, dedicated, and loves her students. We are so grateful to have her here at Westside!

Lindsey Smith

Thank you Nestle!

Submitted by heather.balli on

We want to thank Nestle for their generous $600 donation to Westside! Nestle and Westside have partnered together for many years. We are grateful for all that Nestle does to support Westside students. THANKS Nestle!

Teacher Feature

Submitted by lindsey.smith on

Congratulations to Karen Thomas, who was this weeks KSL and Zion's Bank teacher feature!! Ms. Thomas, one of our fantastic 3rd grade teachers, was nominated by Ms. Lowe, our school psychologist. She is kind and caring, and dedicated to helping her students succeed. We are so grateful to have Ms. Thomas here at Westside!

Lindsey Smith